Electrical Preventive Maintenance (EPM) program

Electrical equipment failures account for millions of dollars in damage and lost business every year. As this country’s electrical infrastructure continues to age, this problem is only going to worsen unless active steps are taken to counter the trend. Ironically, more than two-thirds of electrical system failures can be prevented by a routine preventive maintenance program. The failure rate of electrical equipment is three times higher for components that are not part of a scheduled preventive maintenance program as compared with those that are. In addition, a planned EPM program allows the equipment owner to schedule the system outage at a time of their choosing rather than having to correct major problems resulting from an always untimely failure.

The purpose of this standard is to provide the insured with recommended practices and frequencies that would form the core of a regularly scheduled electrical preventive maintenance program. All work associated with electric power systems and equipment should be performed in accordance with accepted industry safety standards and work practices.

ELECTRICAL Preventive maintenance
a recommended minimum practice for preventive maintenance is provided Where applicable, additional suggested practices are presented for a more thorough EPM program.

Enclosures Operating mechanism
Auxiliary devicesAuxiliary devices
Insulators, supports, and connectorsVacuum circuit breaker panels
ConductorsCheck for loose wire connection
InsulationClean and inspect the transformer
ContactsVisual and mechanical inspection
Arc interrupters

PLC Preventive maintenance

The preventive maintenance program is the deterrent for PLC programs. Preventive maintenance of programmable controller systems includes only a few basic procedures, which will greatly reduce the failure rate of system components. Preventive maintenance for the PLC system must be performed in the regular maintenance of the machine or the equipment. Many control systems operate processes that must be closed for short periods for product changes. The schedule time depends on the environment, for a harsh environment, the more frequent the maintenance.

Back up PLCCheck LED Indicators for battery replace
Check operating environmentClear Dust & Check Venting
Check ConnectionsAudit Parts In Use
Inspect Battery Status